About S. B. Horgan


Sarah was a prolific writer and reader growing up, and often re-wrote books that she had read with characters and endings that she preferred. In college, Sarah began her first serious attempt at a novel, and a few years after completing her M.A. in English, that manuscript was completed. In the meantime, her knack for editing flourished, and she discovered what no English professor or high school counselor had ever told her–that she could make a career out of her love for perfectly placed punctuation! As she began working in copy editing and technical writing, she also buckled down to make her creative writing dreams a reality.


Since documenting in her foam pink kindergarten journal the birth of mice in the classroom as “very eggsiting,” Sarah has been a writer. After realizing the embarrassing confusion she had caused between mice and eggs, she also became an editor. In elementary school she won the reading competition every year in a row and went on to find high school English classes equally as thrilling (but attempted to hide her nerdy interests from her sports teammates via introverted hermitage). In her spare time, Sarah spent hours in her room re-writing perfectly good books with characters and endings that she preferred, and occasionally dabbling in poetry. If Sarah was destined to be a writer, however, she did not know it yet. In college she considered kinesiology, Spanish, international studies, and even engineering before the brick finally hit her on the head: an interest in literature could be more than just a hobby! However, it would still be years before hobby grew into side gig and then one day, a career. Sarah earned her M.A. in English from Washington State University in 2018, and for a few years she continued writing as a hobby in her spare time, although she had moved on from retelling old stories…or had she? Since high school, Sarah had a nebulous dream for a book, a story that developed slowly in her head over time, until she decided to double down and write the darn thing. It took several years, but mid-2021, the manuscript was “finished,” and the editing began. Finally, the eagle had landed, and Sarah came to terms with the fact that she had wanted to be a published author since childhood, and that it was indeed possible to make her love of good writing into a career.


“The world calls them its singers and poets and artists and storytellers; but they are just people who have never forgotten the way to fairyland.”


Read Daedalus's Story: "The Craftsman's Bane"

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